The burden of student loan debt isn’t going away anytime soon for many Americans. Unfortunately, I am included in this number with $80,000 worth of student debt hanging…
Latoya Scott
Latoya Scott
L Scott is a Certified Financial Education Instructor and personal finance writer who helps women and their families find financial freedom without resorting to coupon cutting or obsessing over credit scores. In other words, I show you how to have a life...and a budget!
Lifeself improvement
5 Ways to Invest in Yourself Without Breaking The Bank
by Latoya Scottby Latoya ScottIf money wasn’t a factor, how would you invest in yourself? Would you purchase a new wardrobe? A Louis Vuitton bag? A pair (or a couple pairs) of red bottoms? Or…
In my most popular article, How to Get a Month Ahead on Little Income, I shared with you the reasons why it’s a good idea to get a month…
Frugal Living
How to Cut Your Cable Bill – Get Hulu for $5.99 per Month!
by Latoya Scottby Latoya ScottIf you’ve been wondering how you can cut your cable bill, you’re in luck. With all of the new technology out there today, you no longer have to rely…
Folks are fascinated with credit. Especially after Jay Z dropped a line on his new album 4:44 that alludes to credit being better than throwing money at a strip…
Learning how to correctly budget your monthly isn’t something that can be done overnight. It can take several months of tracking your spending and adjusting your expenses before…
If you’re reading this, you’re probably sick of living paycheck to paycheck and worrying about how to come up with money at the last minute. If you’ve been…