Living paycheck to paycheck got you feeling all weary, doesn’t it? A few of you have reached out to me, either through email or the reader survey I sent…
After surveying my lovely readers a few months back, I noticed one common recurring theme – many of you want to stop overspending. You wanted to save, pay bills,…
I like to keep things simple for the holidays as far as my kids are concerned, but one thing I never like to skimp out on is my…
7 Reasons You’re Living Paycheck to Paycheck (And How to Fix It)
by Latoya Scottby Latoya ScottThe major contributing factor to the growing trend of people living paycheck to paycheck is a lack of savings. Across many income brackets, 47 percent of folks can’t even…
Life insurance is not a topic most people want to talk about. The thought of you or a loved one no longer being around doesn’t make for good dinner…
5 tips to help your children pay for college? Yes, please! Today we have a friend guest posting here at LAAB! I know many of you have children of…
I’ve been working on a free budget spreadsheet template for you all that will help you track your monthly expenses! Initially, I went over to Fiverr with the grand…